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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  November 14, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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them throughou the newscast and have a completeeport on nbc bay area news at 11:00. now to an nbc bayrea exclusive. he wouldn't answ questionsn front of a criminal grand jury but did answe our questions. san jose city councilmanavier caos questione underoath regaing his boss. councilman campos ioked his fth amendment right saying he di't trust the district attorney office. night he's talk to us about a high-profile political scandal. nbc bay area's damian trujillo is at san jose cy hall with the story. damian? sit down and clear his name, tell his side of the sry about pontially mieading campaign mailers that wt out whene was running for city council. our lega analysts says campos should not hav told us what he told us anday have cread, quote, a legal quagmire for himself. >> mr. campos? >> damian. >> reporter: couilman javier campos is tling nbc b area
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what h couldn't tell ariminal grand jur just a month ago. >> my confidence in being treatefairly, you know, was not there. >> reporte the grand jury w investigatg former supersor george shrikawa abouthese mails sent duringhe electn campai and said his dnas of on one of tm. th th >> youname is attached to those mailers? it's assumed that came from your camp. so people asked hocould he not e have known what was happening? clear.- you know, i need to be and ke this very, very clea i do not know who pduced our distributed those mailers. and i had nothingo do with distributi our producinghose mailers. i had nothing t do with those ilers. >> reporter: that something santa clara coty's criminal and jury wanted to he.
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campos refused to testify, invoking the fifth amement against self-irimination. the way people pceed it, i can't answer these questions because it might implicate myself crimilly further on as the case is investigated. that's t implication people e getting by you pleading the fifth. is tt a wrong implication? >> that's a wrong implicion. i'll answer to my constients. >> repter: campos said he pled the fifth because he does not trust the d.a.'s offi. >> i've seen a number of elected fishesnd allies of those elected officials been prosecuted and then charges later dropped or dismissed, and their lives left in shambles. >> reporter: we swed the campos interview to our lega analyst. >> because he doesn't trusthe process. that'sot aalid reasono assert the fifth. reporter: steven clark says a d.a. can force him to testify in
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thgrand jury because he in essence waived his fifth amendment privige by talking to nbc bay area. >> it created a very bilegal problem for him. cleay the d.a. after theyee the statements can say we want to bringim back t the grand jury and ask him these same questions. >> reporter: while the d.a. didn't wan to speak on camera, his ofce would only say the grand jury transcript speaks for itself. the campos camp says he used the fifth amendment approprialy and will gladly answer all of his constuents' questions about the matter. >> all cano is continue to dohe hard wk tha i d workg in my community. >> reporte a community he'll be asking to vote for him again next year. the nextourt hearing on the mailer issue is on december 4th. campos told me after today he will only talk to h nstituents an this maer. live at san jose city hall, damian trujillo, nbc bay area ws. a major break in the investigion of a beating death in san jose.
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officers arrested simon morales and wife, andrea in connection lugo is san se's 22 homicide of the year his family, you may remember, held a vigil back forim in june. police say he was jumpe and knocd unconscious near a park. he was pulled off life support a few days later. his mily says he was trying to help somebody at a party. he was being harassed wch may ha led to that attac sasha eishman, a skirt wearing teenager whoas set o fire last week is still hospalized tonight. support ntinues to pour in. tonight it coming from the classmates o the teenager accused of setting sasha on fire. nbc bay area's jody hearn december iin oakland this eving. it's an aive scen with the schoniting tonight. >> reporter: that's righ raj. more tn 100 people just of the corner of carthur and park to march along the ac transit route where that attk took place. that route has now been called rainbow ro for the number of rainbow ribns that have been
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put up tre. among the marchers are clasates and staff of t not what their schl stands s for. >> working together, we're coming together and representing a beautiful communy. >> reporter: students at oakland hi school spent theirunch hour making signs for sasha. the 18-year-old agender teenager sentn firen anac trait bus last week. oakld high is the school the suspect, 16-year-old richard thomas, attends. his classmates, like sasha's, are shaken. >> students are upset becau the behavior of one student is noteflective of the whole student bod >> reporr: amy wilder, the school's gay/straight alliance adviser said the incident has and for the entire studentody. which she says embraces tolerance. >>f there's a teachabl moment in this, it's that tre are longerm consequences to the
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oices that we make. and we need to support our students in making better oices. students and the cmunity to a dinner at her church tonight. the group will march from oakland high along the ac transit route to st. paul lutheran church where sasha's pares may speak. >> to show that love is muc violence, and to show that bringing people together in all of our differentiversities is what makes this whole city and bay area so beautiful. >> reporter: w, the suspect in this case, the 16-year-old, is set to enter a plea in court tomorrow rning. hi attorney told me today that misconstrued. haseen heays that his client is not homophobic and the attorney prises to make a statement to usbout that tomorrow.
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meanwhile, rht now, the march is under y. that healing march. sasha's parents are among the marchers. dasay they are overwhelmednd grateful for the support. they also say that sasha is watchingt all from his hospital bed. reporting live in oaklan jodi hernanz, nbc bay area ne. >> thank you jodi. a new sketch is out in hopes of catching the man behind a sex assault that happened on the deanza college campus. the victim has seen the man on campus and interactedith him. she tnk he goes by the na johnny but doesn't know what his real ne is. it happened in a bathroom together to police. the victim says a manurst into a stall and assaulted her. a new discove in san clara county's crime labs somethg lurking in the pipes but has nothing to do with the crim it's a bactea that causes potentially deadly leoneer'
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disease. what happens to the employees therand the criminal investigations there currently woing on? >> reporte i'll get to bose of ose questions in just one cond, raj. more than60mployees work here at the crime lab you see behind me. and now whe they go to work, they see signs on the sink that say do not drink the wate that's because a bacteria that can cause the legioniers disease has be found in the water pipes. in santa clara county's $75 million crime lab, critical eviden is proceed to help solve murder and convict criminals. now employees here are dealing with new edence about their workplac after the bacteria that caus potentiallyeadly legionnaire's disease was found in onef the water pipes. >> we've don the second test and confirmed it. >> reporter: people o have compromised immune systems and anyone over age 50 are most vulnerable to legionnairs
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disease. >> the simplymptoms of legionne pneumonia are fever, shortness of breath, sometimes chest pain, cough. >> reporter: more than 60 people work ithe building. so far, non have reported still staff has bn instructed not to drink the water. >> while we're aresses the problem, the crime lab has put solid, you know, contingency plan in place. they broughtn portable eye washes and portable showers. because if they get chemicals spilled on tm, that have to use the owers. >> reporter: the d.a. who joer sees the lab says the building has two water systems. because the crime lab use distilledwater, no pending criminal cases will be impacted. the bacteria was discovered in theirst water quality test sie the $75 million blding open in 2009. e county says it's now working on a plan to prevent bacteria buildup om happening again. >> we're goingo have a case where w go in, flushhe water.
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the whole system out. with probably chlonation. >> reporter: the countylans to douch more frequent water testing in the future. ctors say the bacteria that causes legionnae's disease occurs naturally in our enviroent in both the soil and our war. but they say it was the higher to county employees.soncerning reporting live isan jose, marianne favro,bc bay area news we're gting a new vw inside the fourthore of t caldecott tunnel. tunnel operators have cameras on all bores of the tunnel and respond to an emergency inside any of them. caltrans crews tted their safety systems. >> and the whole purpose of the traffic signals and the gate is to give caltra the ability to stop traffic if there is a real serious incident going on in the tuel. we certainly don't wantmotori motoris going io harm's way.
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the $417 million projects meant to ease traffic on that sy east bay artery. e fourth bore may open to affic on monday ifll the still ahead here at 6:00, his vision wl transform san francio tomorrow. >> and he's ju 5 years old. >> going t be batman. >> thas right. the make-a-wish dream and superhuman effor that will give a little boy hishance to be batman for a day. also -- >> they're rning everywhere. i mean, literally they're scattered everywhere. >> talking about rats. bad for business and they're out of control. the rat infestation i san francisco. and why some say it's all cause of new construction. and a rare appearance from the widow of steve jobs. the cause that has loreen jobs stepping into the spotlight. good evening. i'm chief meorologist jeff ranieri. we have the rafall oh so close tohe bay area. we'll get u know when the chances ofetting of this is
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tonight and the big cool down coming in thforecast, in just a few minutes.
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> tonight, two tesla workers rema in the hospital after an instrial accident at the company's factory in fremont. a total of three workers were burned by hot metal yesterday. last nit,eehere, e lon musk, tesla's high profile ceo visited the injured emploes at valley medical hospital. cal osha launched its own investigation and cal osha fined tesla $2, 700 last year for what theycall, ote, a serious violatn and tesla was fined for an accidt at a different facility two years ago in which a workerost a fingertip. tesl stock dipped slightly education headlines, the check is in the mail. this week, school districts all over the bay area are receiving millionsf dollars to implement
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new academicstandards. the state department of education isssuing the second of two bul payments forhe new common cor state standards. more than $1 billion for the ted common ce which works out to about $200 per student. themselves how the want to for spend tt mone als tonight, we're beginning to hear more from the widow ofteve jobs. loauren powell jobhas been qutly involved in feedation for years butecently stepped out in severalinterviews for a webse sheacks calle the most recent clip posted days ago, powell-jobs says the education refo movement has a, quote, communications challenge. though she, herself,s a longtime sporter. >> charter schos, and mit pay, or perfoance pay and aluation andandards. these are vy kind o hard-nosed concepts that actual are all about how do we do the best forll the children in ourcountry?
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and so i feel li the vocabula has t shift. >> powellobs says education could be a great equalizer, but th language of educationreform can get inhe way. now, here in the b area powell-jobs ha focused much of her work in edution on low-income andinority students helping em prepa for college. new at 6:00, t court battle continues forpple and samsung. tonight, t president of samsung is talking aut the patent case and his company's plans to expand here in the bay area. in a story you'll see only on nbc, our busines and tech the view from the toof ngss samsung. >> reporter: he draws big cwds en he needs the press. >> weave to think about -- >>eporter: and when hepeaks to investors. yung sohn, president of samsung electronics, sought after because of the fact he's crting cutting edge technology, hirg a lot of people and fighting apple in court. >> no coent. frankly, the g like me who
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worried about innovation don't think about the past. help usogrow.test ideas that can >> reporter: samsung is gring. right here in theay ar. buildi two silicon valley campuses at the same ti. >> silicon valley is where it's the engine of growthor many great ideas, and obviously we're very committed to be part of that. >> reporter: with its products selling stngly all over the world, samsung has been exnding far beyond korea. tech waters say they' be >> i think that's true. i think the are some direct job possibilities that will incrse. i think the's also more ssibilities for thetartup companies coming out of stanford that interact with a bicompany that's aig player lik samsung is. >> reporter: new growt and new products. samsung,rying its best to dig into silicon valley. scott buan, nbc bay area news. > an ambitious new plan
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marshlands that ri the san francisco bay. activist say decades of development have seriously damaged the habit for several pla plants and animals that can only be found in those marshlands. >> turn your headround and see aldeso, san jose, the dumbarton brid, basically the area has been deloped and a lot o former wlands have been historically lost. >> state o california purchased much of the land. offials say every effort will be made to return to its natural state. the projt is so big it ranks the second largest restoraon florida evergles. hind the jeff ranieri, we approach the weekend. good evening, jeff. >> we're starting to clear out from f we had earlier this morning. take a lookackere toward the north bay. golden gate bridge, drivers able to navige with fog-free conditions. thisime last year we had the drizzle moving across. toda we had a cl front pass
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on by helping clear out the cloud cover. degrees and plent of clear 6 skieat the current moment as we look aoss oakland. t's go aad and get a look at what you'll notice for the sth bay is we're not going to start offloudy for torrow. temperatures als are going to be on the cool side. teeratures in the upper 40s. by the noon ur, low 60s. ase get a look at the peninsula, also cold t start with. mid 40s andow 60s as we head just abo into 1:00 and also 2:00 p.m. en dropping off quickly ase head into 50 p.m. as we. san francisco,ittle to no warming. as you walk out the door i the morning hours, that's pretty muchhat you're going to expect as you head into the fternoon. the cket all day heading from the eas bay over toward san francisco. you certaly need those layers. now, let's get look acrs the north bay. that's where the chi is going to b in the morning hours. temperatures starting o in the upper 30s with clear skies. at 7:00 a.m. but while that' our average of 38degrees,ake a lookt where it will be even colder.
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saa rosa, 36 tomorrow. back here toward napa, . sono, expecting 40 degrees at thispoint. the east bay and tri valley not rming up much. decent section of the east bay. it's going to feel le fall out here. look at our microclite foreca. oakland, 63, berkeley, 61. san ramon, 66. concord, 65. fremont, 65. the reason all of these mperatures on the microclimate page are much the same, we're all being influenced byhe same air mass up above. now let's get you into the ekend forecast. ase head into saturd, we'll have dzzle at the coastline. also areasf clouds. san francisco, oakland, napa by the afternoon, by all counts on saturday we'll have nny skies in the forecast. it's just going to be lot colder. ok at this. san jose only eecting mid 60s as we head throughout saturday's forecast. if you're lookingor something to do this weekendnbc bay area aroud sponsor of the safeway holiday ice rink.
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it got awesomeeather out here. as we head throughout this upming weekend. teeratures in the low 0z with a mix of sun and clouds. i say all three of us head out there ts weekend. we videotape us sliding across that ice. >> i'll do theammel camel. >> allight. i don't ow what my move is going to be called. maybe bust a move? coming up, stealing from the needy. a disturbg investigation in the soh bay. plus -- this fix won't solve every problem for every person, but it's goi to help a lot of people. >> back peddling by the president. he lays out a solution for americans who had their insurance plans dropped. but will californians be left our "reality che" is coming up.
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hundreds of peoplere out of a job in the silicon valley tonight. move by lockheed martin.ting theefense conactor will eliminate 200 jobs at its
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sunnyvale facility. it's cutting4,000 positions acss the country. loheed will also close down operations at sevel plant including four buildings on its sunnyvale campus. the company blames budgetuts at the pentagon which lds to projects. nse department who would steal from the food bank? that's the qstion many are asking after a burglary at the second harvest food bank. monday night, thieves sle $400 worth of gasoline from t food bank trucks like this e. they cut the gas les in the middle of the night and siphoned the fuel. the total loss, $17,0, equivale to 34,000 mes. >> what this ds is knock us back a step. we have toeal with an incident, we have to recover funds we'r now going to lo. and really what it translates to isewer meals we can provide t the community. >> food nk now ss it will have to hire security guards to trucks. er the facility and its ahead at6:00, a bizarre road rage vestigation with an
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unlikely target. also coming up, how safe are airports? new questions f tsa tonigh about a billion-dollar security program that appareny just isn't rking. new tenantsre moving . t many people are happy about it. the growing rat problem in one bay area neighborhood. next. we have an update in o
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breaking news regarding b.a.r.t. and its unio. the contractispute that was supposed to be settled apparently hasn't been settled.
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b.a.r.t. managemen says the final contract approved by the unions may include arovision that b.a.r.t. negotiators did notgree to. so what now? the b.a.r.t. board member who says the provision in question has to do with family leave. the boa i scheduled to vote now, initially tre were k. rerts the board had been told to vote this down, b mallet says that's not the case. b.a.r.t. management did releas a statement saying they'll have consideration bore making a that means they could reject the contract. we'll continue to update the story as we get new infoation. we'll also be cering t story tonight at :00. i said that i would d everytng we can to fix this problem, and today i'm offering andea that will help do it. >> you heard it ere. president obama offering comfort to the millions of americans who have seen theirnsurance plans dropped. >> a solution? give policyholders ather chance to keep tir old coverage. >> president says those plans
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can be expected for another yearif the insurance cpanies agree to go along wh it. bu is that true? in tonight's "rlity check" sam brock brings youacts about today aannouncemen >> jessica, good evening. this sounds like a pla that coulhelp thousands of americans in a pinch, bt what the president didn't mention here is the succe of his plan so depends upon where you live, and in california for a majority of the folks who lost their coverage, it's likely impoible that now they'll b able to exte it. in califoia, there are 1.1 million people who have seen their iurance policies scraed as a result of obama care. ross the country, the number is clor to 5 millio offered solace to those hurting. as a soluti. >> reporter: i completely get how upsetting thisan be for lot of americans, but the bottom line is insurers can extend currt plans tha would herwise be canceled in to 14, and americans whe plans have been canceled can choose to reenroll in the same kind of plan.
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>> reporter: but is that true insurance commissioner dave jones says not when covered calirnia, the state's change, entered into a contract with the big proders selling on the exange. >>ver objections, covered california decided to include in their contrac with health insurers and hmos selling policies in ourealth insurance exchange a provision requiring those individualnd family policies to be canceled. >> reporter: jones hasince written a lettero cover lifornia's executive director peter lee. urging the board to releas health insurers and health plans from thi contract provision requiring cancelation. that request isn met, how many of california's 1.1 million policyholders uld be left frozen out ofhe president's plan? >> i thi it's fair to say a majority of the individual policyholders are covered by health insurers that he contract. we'll have to gou a precise number. clients of california's most des
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influential players le anthem blue cross blue shie, and iser. ouch. and we did reach out to covered california this afternn to ask if they'll release that ctract provision. the commissionerones jt ntioned. spokesperson told us, "we are assessing the impact and covered california will how corporate the president's modifition into our existing policy and direction. coveredalifornia understands the urgenneed for clarity aroundhis segment of policy." this may alle moot, though. the calornia association of health plans which represents the state's providers said today plans.lifornia needs to, urse, if your coverage has been dropped by an insurersn coveredcalifornia, you're alst certainly out of luck. the president's claim, a a solution for many, at least here is false. i'm sam brock. that's today's "reality chec" back to you. thank you. a total ofen private insurance websites have been shut town for imitating cover
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california. attorn general harris' office fake sites.nvesgation into the she said californians were misled about fraudent sites. the webtes had mains similar to cover califora and erated by private health insuranceompanies that were actually not affiliated with covered california. since then, all have st down d complied. confirmation hearingsegan today forhe first woman ever tapped to chair the federal reserve. uc berkeley economist janet yellen. whe the business of the fed involves big busines and billns of dollars, yellen says her policies will apply to eryone. >> especially those who were seeing harm come to them and their families from high unemplment. >> if nfirmed,ucceed current chair ben rnanke, she'll serve a four-yea term. the hearing was cordial today. yellen is expected to win easy confirmation from the full senate. there are grim n numbers in our continuing coverage of typhoon haiyan the united nations has raised the dea toll in t central
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philippine to more than 4,400 people the u.n. also repor nearly a millioneople are homeless. mass burials were held today for more than 100 vtims in talcoban. hospitals have been struggling withedicine andtaff shortas. the president has depyed hundreds of sdiers to stop oting in the region. it cost nearly $1 billion, but does it work? lawmakers questioningoday whether ey should fund a tsa ogram that may not help at all. tsa's behavior assesent program is supposed to detect risky travelers. government invtigators found no evidence that i actually work. the tsa chfs spent the morning on capitol hill fending that he says the officers who run it ar hired to look f signs that airline passengers could be trouble. lawmakers wonder if money spent on other proven security focused methods. >> the whole idea of spending $1 employed in this endeavor, ile
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from a stastical standpoint the results are about 50/50 seems to be "a not to be a good >> this comes t weeks aft a tsa officerhe shot and killed at a.x. some people in congress are just adding security at airport exits like the one used by the gunman and increasingirect radio communation between the tsa and local police would be more effective. a san francisco man is behind bars tonight after police y his road rage led him to h a bicyclist wh h car. 56-yeaold fred holt was apparently pling out of a parkg spot on valencia street near 18th street in t mission district when he apparently cut off a bicyclist. holt had words with the rider and second cyclist. he allegedly then drove toward the cond rider, hitting the bike's rear tire and knockg that cyclist onto the curb. no major injuriesere reported. an off duty police offir saw the commotionnd demanded holt to stop. assault wh a deadly he's scheduled to be arraigned
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tomorrow. it is supsed to cate a sotion for commuters in san fransco. instead the central subwa local bunessowners. problem for the $1.6 billion construion project started about a year and a half o. it's meant to connect the baysho and mission bay areas to soma, downtown and china town. c bay area's steanie uang the issue is rats, hundreds of rats. >> reporter: rat according to the construction workers we spoke to off camera tonight. there are soany they're hing to take eir meal breaks among the rats, they're even stepping on em. we've seen quite a bit ourselv scurrying back and forth here at fifth and bryant at this they come out right abo now when itets dark. we've already se them getting water and food. and businessowners here along bryant street say theity has to put a stop to this. first it was complaints of the noise. and the rt.
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but now -- >> seeing the rats when they started doing nstruction across the stet. >> reporter: bobby is wit "w" motorcycle rents on bryant stet. he said the construction has driv rats into the open and driven visits down in fact, he sayst's gotten to customers to keep them from seeinghe infestation. >> two or three rats rning make sure they were noteeing o >> reporter: edgar fernandez works next doornd saw 25 rats just last week. cat. rst he thought it was a >> tack a look, it's a platoon of rats really. as big as this on all of a suddenealize it, like, whoa. man, really? and then we ran away the other >> reporter: but the fsmta which is in charge of the project say this is the firstime it's even hearing there is a rat problem. >> weaven't receid any
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complaints on this project peaining to rats. >>eporter: the mt says the agencyimplemented an abatement programefore the project began. >> we caught very few rats with the traps the area. we keep the ar as clean as possible. reporter: you can see back here live it's difficult to see rats here by the tree.lly aoupl they moved during that o minute, 20 of the story. property owners say this problem is csing them to lose tenants. one moved out a coue months ago. everyone here isoping the city can come up with a solutio as th construction continues. th project expected toast at least another fouryears. live in san fraisco,tephanie chuang, nbcay area news. >> right on cue we saw two rats moving toward stephae. still to come, we'll show bring back oysters species in the san francisco bay. plus, he's not exactly a dark knight, bu you'll hear
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the day in san francisco save tomorrow. i'm jeff ranieri in the nbc y area weather ceer. fog this morng. earing now across the bay. that's going t provide a chill start. we'll let you know how cd coming up in that microclimate forecast.
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from make-a-wish to maken event. a year-old boy and his family toured san fraisco today. st before it turns into gotham city tomorrow. social media let tusands of volunteers to sign up to tn union square into batman spectacular. 5-ar-old miles has bn fighti cance since he was toddler. and his wish is to bat hman for >> he lov serheroes.
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likes to save be a superhero. is one. our minds. >> what are y doingere in san francio? >> going to be batman. >> yes, heis. when miles suits up to be bat kid tomorrow he's going to foil aank robbery and rescue victim or two. san francisco's police chief ll stand in for commissioner gordon enlisting miles to help catch the riddler and the penguin. there are hundreds of people that a going to be out here. >> that is so cute. >> helping with e fantasy. isn't that great? you know, tomorrow night for all those pple heading out, it's going to b clear, chilly. if you're going there,o bring e jacket. thers a live look now at san francisco onhis evening. we'll talkore about that weekend forecast and some cooler weather filtering on in right now, in just a few minutes. and here what we've got 49ers receiver michael crabtree hasn't played yet this year, but could he suit up on sunday? we hav the latest.
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plus, he tonight for the golden state warriors. we preview the western coerence showdown, nex from the xfinity orts desk.
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when you loo at t bay you might not know how much has been filled in. along the way the population of species were vtually wiped out including oysters. >> nbc bay area'soe rosato jr., a group of scientists are working to bring back se of those oysters. these ones a not for eating. >> reporr: at first glance, thshoreline near san rafael reveals nothing unusual, but as the tide goes out, an unusl experiment ps up st over a year o, envinmentalists created a series ofeefs just offshore with the hopes of attractg oysters. million oysters that he 2
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settled on the project in the past year. we're thrilled with the sults. >> reporter: the four oysr beds cover an acre. marilyn latta of the california coastaconservancy says it's part of a 5 year $1.5 llion study. >> and the goal of the project is to create healthy habitator not only oyste and grass in the bay, b also big variety of crabs andhrimp and invertebrates and birdsnd fish. >> oystersonnectingead shells. >> reporter: researchers used bags of oysters t attract live today theyaded out to check their progress. >> main thg is to count the oysters, meare them, see how they're doing in terms , you know, are they growing? are they getting eaten? >> reporter: asi from creating a welcomingpot for critters, the project has implications for climate change and sea level rise >> this is a attempt t see create habitat for species that also wld have the effect of erosion. g wes and decreasg
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>> reporter:esearchers say simir reefs could be used around the bay as a buffer against rising tides. they estime the bay was once teing with oysters, up until e gold rush. >> some of the theories of why they declined are the overfishing and the also the gold rush. hatown fry was the favorite food it's oyste and eggsnd cheese. >> reporter: because of bay pollution, these oysters weren meant for dinner, rather an attempt to enlist nate against nature's cnging world. joe roso jr., nbc y area news. >>oing some importantork in the bay. >> and it looks lovy out let's turn things over to meteorologist jeff ranieri. gold and gloomy today, jeff. you know, tomorrow is another day. we have a lot of sunshine coming your y. 's going to hofully help to liftour spirit there a little bit. if you were down today with that cloud cover just sitting across the bay. we doave showers here off to the north, but it looks like that's going tstay offo the north. as we head throughou the next 24 hours. les get a look at the sky cama network right now.
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the bigstory, we've cleared out from t fog. no fog storm across the north bay and golden gate brge. in fact san francisco right no someing we haven't been able to see for a lot ofhe day and that's the bay bridge right w. bay lights look awesome for tonight. a little bit of cloud cover overhead. 54 degrees currently. tomorrow's forecast and what you wi find is overall temperatures will berending cooler. a lot of 60s on the board. in fact, prettyuch no one at this pnt should be hitting the 70-degree mark. we'll have m 60s acrosshe south bay. throughout the east bay, upp 60s. here aoss san francisco and the north bay, ranges of low to mid 60s in that recast. let's go ahead d take a look at the microclimate forest throughout friday what you findcross the north bay ar temperaturesn theid to upper 60s. suy skies. santa rosa, 65. oakland, 63. fremont, in the mid 60s. and therefore, the tri valley we'll also find temperatures in e mid to upper 60s at this point. when it comes to t overall
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weather as weontinue throughout the next 24 hours, we'reoing see this next storm system lining up off t the north. show this cold front breaking up as it gets closer. so at this point, it continues going to stay off to o east and so to the north. th's going toontinue to trl down plenty of cold air. that's goi to be dropping in. as we hd throughout saturday and sunday's forecast. as that cold air arrives, we are beginning tonight at the up. immediate coastline. we'll see winds about 15 to 30 miles per hour. then as we head throught the forecasthere on friday, it will mainly stay at the coastline, the gustiest. see the bright colors, oranges and also reds. that correlas with the key screen. the bottom of your windthat could be as high as 30 mileser hour. int interior valleys, 15o 20. at the coastline, we're pinpointing top gusts at5 les per hour tomorrow and san francisco, half moon bay, 32 mile per hour wind gusts are possible there as well. as we take you to that weekend forecast, overall, that cold air
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dropping down, tempetures shld stay in the 60 jacket weather in place. and we' see just a slight chance of drizzle at the immeate coastline for san francisco in the morninghours. also for oakland, and napa a well, but do know for the afrnoon on sunday, we wl have plenty of sunshinen the recast. we tald about it earlier. let's take you there again. nbc bay area's a proud spoor of the holiday ice rink at uon square. if you're headed out to slide on at ice, temperaturesn the lo60s with a mix of sun and clouds. looks goods ou there. at union square as we hea throughouthis weekend, you guys. >> did he say headed out to skate or slide o the ice? >> both. a little bit of both. >> we would be sliding o the ice. >> you knowho's aood sker? jim kozimor. >> really? >> he does doubles and pairs. >> that is true. ice dancin i'm a big icedancer. >> i heard that. i have the look. i can do it. let's get going he in sports. the -- let's start with basketball. warriors 3-0 at home this season. they'vonly trail a total of
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23 seconds in those 3ames at when they take onhe oklahoma city thunder at oracle arena. thunr playing the second night of aack to back. lost last nht to the l.a. clippers. the war yors are tryino establh themselves among the western nference elite. steph curry reallyooking forward to thi matchup toght. >> every game is a big game. definitely this is one against a team, we're ting to get to where they've been. and we'll b fighting, y know, the western so they know, obviously that starng lineup. we have to take the game pl, what w designed to guard them and not t, you know, the oer guys that are capabl not let them have bi nit. >> we' have highlights of that football, 49ers receiver chael crabtree missed pctice for the second straightay.
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he continues to recover from his rn akchilachilles. abtree has not suffered setbacks and is progressing nicely. crabtreeot expect to play sundayut the idea hasn't been led out completely. >> mike's coming along. 's day-to-day. and, you kno remains to be seen if he's going to play this week. but he lookingeally good. with michael and with anybo that's injured, iteally goes through our medicalstaff. and once they clear them, you know, we'll always be in rl close contact with fergie, the med stall staff, and the doctors on what he cano, when he can do it, and that goes for anybody. a little injury news onhe raiders front. quarterback terrelle pryor retued to praice today after sprained knee.sterday wit a backup, m irst team reps with backup. expected to play sunday to take on t texans. to beball we go. buster posey not the m
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anymore. pirates center fielder andrew mccutcn 2013 natnal league all-time player. the first pyer to win the award since get this, barry bos did it in 19. miguel cabrera becomes pirs back to back since 1993/14. mar league baseball owner voting for instant replay. will go to the players and umpires unions there will be a challenge system in football. lot like you see so challenge system,hat would be interestg. wouldn't it be, huh? uldn't a challenge system be intesting, say, in yourjobs, guys? say your mager makes decision and you just sa hey, wait a nute, guys, you pull out your fla and have the challenge flag and you kno what, i' tell you about that
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boss. i want to review that -- >> how many flags do we have? calling out aumber of desions. well played. >> t a da >> at ast two a day. you're limid. we'd havto limit you to two challenges oyour direct manager perday. >> we're all good here. >> go. thank you. so am >> we'll be ght back.
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theye the students who need help the most. why are some school disicts creating barriers to their education? instigative reporter joins us wi a look at a battle so schools are waginggainst students with disabilits. >> reporte it's a really e potionly charged topic and unrstandably so. night we expre the
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experience of the families in ree different schoolistricts across the bay area to reveal thstrategies that some sools e using to delay or deny serves totudents with disabilities. federal law requires all school districts provide a free and appropriate public education to students at n ext costo their families. than 10,000 families have found themselves in court fightin for that education, and that iust the tiny fraction of the families who need help. >> it's just an overwhelming and taxing process on not only yoself but the entire family. >> i think some districts might count on that. if we say no, we' going to be in better shape because most familiesill walk away from that. >> tonight, we take a look at how widespread this problem is and we calculate just how much has been spent by the bay area's biggest school districts o outse attorneys, and the effect that has onll the students in our public scols. at is tonight at 11:00n nbc
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bay area. jess and raj? >> okay. see you at 11:00. before we leave you tonight, a sneak peek of tomoow's edition of the "san francisco chronicle," bat kid saves the city for 5-year-old miles, a ncer patient. weold you about him earli inthe newscast. s wish iso be batmannd save sanfrancisco. the "chronicle" dng a great job with their, quote, front page, tomorr. miles, we're ready to be saved one of theeporters from the "chronicle" torrow, clark kent. >> of course. course. >> thas awesome. >> we're ready for mileso take over the city. >> cute. congratulaons. i feel muc safer that miles is there. as do we all. >>hat's going too it for us. thanksor watchi. we hope to see you at 110. >> good nit.
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alec baldwin's stalk guilty. her utube rant. >> really want to help hilaria and alec. >> now on "extra." victory f alec, his czed tormenter behind bars, but is her campan of rear really over? >> she will be back on the streetand why this video is full of ominous warning signs. jason patric fighting back tears,is tug-of-war over his little boy. >> i haven't seen gusn 38 weeks. i hope one day he ll see everything i've done. matt damon, kiefer sutherland,


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